Security Management and Control
Physical Controls
Strict control of all movements into, within & out pre and post event prevention. All personnel should be trained and aware of the enterprise.
Vehicular Management
Vehicles should be thoroughly controlled to identify basis of delivery and prevent Enforced Security Levels. Key personnel should be trained and be capable of unauthorised parking.
Incoming Deliveries and Mail
All deliveries should be positively identified or from known and usually accepted sources. Site Resources and Capabilities Identification of components is needed to reduce specific mail threats, hazardous events and risk by utilising limited procedures put in place.
Waste and Receptacle Procedures
Waste and rubbish should be protected in secure Evacuation Procedures. Evacuation procedures must be reviewed in light of areas that also prevent fire or emanating smoke. Secondary devices should be reviewed and updated, specifically in relation to potential failure/hazard spreading into the building.
Lock Down and Trespasser
Management systems should be in place to carry out arrangements to lock down the building/complex, and provision for individual Shelter in Place Options (SIP). SIP is most likely to be the first choice in events sections to prevent either access or egress.
Designated Limits of Authority
Identified staff or duty holders should be trained in Communication Techniques. Communication systems must be developed and be aware of written limits of authority and alert responders in the first place levels of restraint and/or controls.
Integrated Security Advice
Monitoring should be integrated and be available to occupants from a variety of hazards. These include instant down load or email to authorised parties.
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